Friday, August 22, 2008

...The Blackest of Days...

An event of the most tragic nature has come to pass...

My dearest pk brother mike has given up the art, for completely understandable and unavoidable personal reasons.

My initial reaction is to use this post to be overly i think i will. (For best results, read with this song playing in the background;-)

I could talk about the countless close calls we've had with cops and security...I could bring up our triumphs and failures and the accompanying scars and injuries....I could talk about any number of epic urban adventures we've had this many glorious memories to choose from.

But i won't. *sniff* he wouldn't have wanted it that way...If he were standing here today...I'd shake his hand, call him stupid, and punch him in his overly jacked pectorals...

Rest in peace my dear friend...we'll miss you dearly.

oh're still alive.....right.

Having written this, i find that i can't really put into words that which i want to say. It seems like such a trivial thing (It's not as if he's dead or anything for crying out loud!) so i'm making a joke out of it. yet at the same time, i find myself truly sad about it.

He was the first guy that i ever met who truly understood and shared my he has to try to kill that passion to do the right thing. I know how hard that'll be for him. such is the way of life.

But i'm now reminded of a conversation i had with Mike during a recent excursion into downtown Augusta GA. We were discussing the subject of manliness, and as i recall the conclusion was reached that one of the most manly things a guy can do, is to give up that which he loves to do that which he knows to be right.

Mike is a man.


Austin Koon said...

I'm gonna cry. The song is still playing and MIKE IS IN MY HEART MAN! NOW AND FOREVER!!!!!!! haha I gotta change mine a bit so no body thinks he's dead

Austin Koon said...

I rewrote mine and it's 30x better than last time. So reread it haha. I used your music idea but different music haha