Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Update: curses...

Training for me has slowed down considerably, one, i strained my abs or something last night, which makes just walking challenging enough, and two, i'm taking it easy as i'm hoping against hope that my leg will somehow heal. the doctor said i needed to stay off it (parkour-wise) for 2 or 3 weeks...but right now that's impossible, after a year of training by myself, *sniff, sniff...* i've finally generated some momentum here at CIU. Mike is really taking off, which only serves to further inspire me...The ministry idea is slowly materializing, and i'm trying to pull together a training course on campus that we can run every couple days. I can't stop now. uhuh...
I forgot how much it helps to have people with you! last night we went out and i pulled off some perfect palm spins, and increased my kong distance considerably. i just wish i could take drops, but my leg hurts too much to consider that.
still excited though...
if time allows, (between writing essays etc) we're going out again tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Joe said...

hmm...sorry to hear your leg is still hurting.

I admire your being able to train by yourself all that time! I lose interest it seems if I'm by myself. Having people with you helps sooooooo much from my experience and no offense to my brothers but even having friends seems to be even more impactful. Glad you're making so much progress there! :)

Hope you heal soon....