Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Finley Training Session

Mike and I went down to Finley Park today for a couple hours to train, and we took his camera so we could critique our technique and just for kicks and giggles. it was just a photo camera, so the quality isn't all that great. nothing to impressive or anything, mainly just messing around on the rails etc, but it was a good day... no trouble with the local authorities this time;) so he threw together this video. soon we're hoping to get an actual camera and maybe a tripod so we can make a decent video, with more drops etc. but this turned out ok. try to ignore the words on the screen, his camera program wasn't very mac friendly...but what is these days...


Shannon said...

you're pretty much amazing ! ;)

Austin Koon said...

Hey I have a Hi def camera and a tripod if you want me to film any videos.

Unknown said...

Good grief, kyle - you're a beast! Ha ha...Loved the video... :)

Austin Koon said...

Guess what you inspired me too make a training video! I'm working on it now and I plan to go a lot of places to train. I've actually can do a kong vault pretty well and I can almost do a good handstand on something every time. I did it on a table and it was awesome

Austin Koon said...

you'll have to check out our video i made its on my blog

Joe said...

Ok. The videos are definitely the way to go! I really enjoyed watching it! And good job on your palm spins. I've never actually tried those yet. :\ Are they pretty easy?

traceur4ever said...

yeah they're fairly simple, just kind of awkward and unnatural feeling at first...

Joe said...

I can imagine. It looked pretty natural over all. :D

Austin Koon said...

To Joe: They are really easy after like four or so tries. It's like your falling forward basically. Your not totally just using momentum from running or using strength its really just falling forward in the air.

Austin Koon said...

I'm gonna cry man after watching that video again. Mike's gone. Well there's nothing I can do but pray that his dad will be awakened to the reality of parkour. This video still inspires me. Reminds me of the days where I understood perfectly. I couldn't do many moves but that was never the point back then.